Questionwhat are some advantages and disadvantages about star, ring, and bustopologies?AnswerIn answer to your question regarding Network Topologies I hope the followinghelps.Bus TopologyAdvantages - Simple to implement, all machines are 'daisy chained' which makeswiring as easy as stringing coax cable from one computer to the next and so on.Disadvantages - Not very versatile when machines have to be moved, as rewiring part of the network isnecessary. Not very fault tolerant, on some systems (10Base2) if one part of the bus is disconnectedthe whole segment of the network goes down. Not suitable for voice.Ring TopologyAdvantages - Fairly simple to wire. Quite fault tolerant, with a Token Ring network if the main ring isdisconnected anywhere, the ring uses a loop back system to maintain ring integrity.Disadvantages - It is only really used with Token Ring networks these days and it uses Type 1 cable,this is very bulky and is not really suitable for running voice. Again, moves and additions mean rewiringand re-routing cables.Star TopologyAdvantages - These days most buildings are cabled using a star topology with Cat 5e or Cat 6 cable.This gives the network a centralized wiring point which makes connecting and disconnecting machinesas simple as plugging and unplugging an RJ45 connector in to a hub or switch (Ethernet, Token Ringand any other type of network or service that isrequired).It can also be used for voice, data, video and anylow voltage application.Disadvantages - Requires a centralized wiring point,which can be just a cabinet on the wall for smallinstallations, or a dedicated air conditioned roomwith racks and cabinets in large officeaccommodation. On large installations the sheerbulk of cable coming back to the wiring closet can bedifficult to control and keep tidy.