As the name implies, networking is the connecting together of PC's and printers toallow resources to be shared. There are various methods of doing this, such aspeer to peer, client/server, and main frames which serve dumb terminals. All of theexamples on this page can be connected via Cat 5/5e/6 cabling by using adaptersor baluns. Adapters convert whatever connectors are normally used to RJ45, andbaluns also match the impedance to that of the systems normal cablingenvironment.
Peer to Peer
Peer to peer networking is usually found in small offices, shops, andnowadays even in homes. This method allows PC's to access informationwhich is kept on any of the machines that are connected to the network, andto print to any of the printers on the network. This can become impracticalhowever, when the amount of machines or the amount of traffic on the networkstarts to impact on the speed in which information can be accessed.
Another method is client/server networking, this system employs dedicated PC's or file server's whichhold a companies information data bases in one location. Each of the users on the network can accessfiles from the servers, and save files to the servers. This keeps all critical data in one place, and giveseach user a dedicated link to that information. Keeping all of a company's data on one machine also hasthe added advantage making it easier to backup.
Main Frame
In the days before PC's, information was stored on a "main frame" and accessed by terminals whichwhere connected to it. This was, in effect, like having one computer with lots of individual keyboards andscreens all working the same machine. These "dumb terminals" had no processing power of their ownand relied on the processing power of the main frame computer to do all the work. Some systems todayare often mistakenly referred to as main frames, when in actual fact they are mini computers. They canhowever, have dumb terminals connected to them just as the main frames of the 60's and 70's did.Here are some of the obsolete older systems.
IBM 3270
This was a main frame type system which used coaxial cable toconnect dumb terminals to a controller. The topology was ahierarchical star configuration where the controllers were star wiredfrom the 3270 and positioned around the building, the terminals werethen star wired from the controllers. The controllers were beigecoloured boxes which measured about 18" high and 24" wide. Baluns for the 3270 were needed to allow these terminals to connect over Cat 5cabling.
IBM System 36 & 38
Again, a main frame type system but with a star/bus topology which used twinaxial cable (like coax buthaving two cores). The System 36 and 38 were large blue and white machines with built in consoles,each of their ports supported 7 devices which could be terminals or printers. The devices were daisychained from the machines workstation controller ports, linking in and out of the terminals and printers.On sites where Type 1 or Cat 5 cable had been installed, it was usual to find 'star concentrators' or 'Loop Wiring Concentrators' (LWC), these simply carried out the daisy chaining of the terminals at the patchcabinet to enable the building to be star wired. This made it a more flexible system as the terminalsdidn’t need to be grouped in the same geographical area to be daisy chained. So if a person were tomove to a different location in the building, they would simply plug their terminal into the nearest dataoutlet and re-patch the connection in the cabinet. Before this, such a move would have meant finding the nearest available line, diverting it in and out of the re-positioned terminal, and then re-addressing it.
This was the successor to the System 38 and its nativeenvironment was also a star/bus topology usingtwinaxial cable. However AS400's could also beconnected over an Ethernet or Token Ring network justlike a PC or a server. The advantage of this was thereliability of a main frame, with the speed and flexibilityof a PC.AS400's used to be large boxes that filled the air conditioned computer rooms of only afew years ago. Each rack could contain disk drives, processors or tape backupdevices and required dedicated three phase supplies to power them. Themodern IBM servers are considerably smaller than their older counterparts, butwith a lot more processing power.
RS232 networks
The serial communications standard was defined by the Electronics Industries Association (EIA), and in1969 it established the Recommended Standard number 232 version C (RS-232C) which is still the mostwidely used serial standard today.Some networks used a PC as a server and serial connections to attach other PC's which need access tothe information stored on the server. These systems are becoming increasingly rare, usually found insmall offices and shops where speed is not an issue. Each PC is connected via a screened multicorecable to what is sometimes referred to as a 'terminal server board'. These can also be wired withCategory 5e cabling via an adapter, the adapter simply changes the serial connection from either a 25 or 9 way D type, to an RJ45 socket.
This was developed at about the same time as Ethernet (1970's) by the Datapoint Corporation, but dueto its proprietary nature, it wasn't as widely accepted as Ethernet or Token Ring.ARCnet used a polling system whereby one machine became the master controller, and polled each ofthe other machines on the network to see if they hadany data to transmit. Each machine had to wait forits turn before it could use the network and thismade it quite a reliable system. The original ARCnetonly had a signal speed of 2.5Mbps and although a20Mbps version (ARCnet Plus) was introduced in1992, it still didn't become very popular.This was quite a rare system but as it was once oneof the main three, it is worth mentioning.